Bocan Stone Circle
Northwest Ireland | County Donegal
Bocan Stone Circle is located on Inishowen Peninsula in County Donegal, approx 2 km from Culdaff Village towards Moville - road R238 (take the first left turn after St Mary's Church in Bocan, and after around 100m you will see it through the field gate on your left side). The stone circle was built between 3000 BC and 1500 BC and had around 30 standing stones in diameter of aprox 20 m (two of them were 2m high and the remaining stones were up to 1.5m) of which only seven remained in an upright position. Report from 1816 says there were 12 standing stones at that time and number of burial pots have been found on the site.
- Freely accessible
- Roadside
Photos from Bocan Stone Circle