Grange Stone Circle
West Ireland | County Limerick
Grange Stone Circle (also known as The Lios) is located beside the road R 512 (Limerick-Kilmallock), 4 km north of Bruff in county Limerick. It is largest stone circle in Ireland, which consists of 113 stones and has 46 m in diameter. It's surrounded by wide earthen, flat-topped bank, about 1.2m tall. There is narrow, stone-lined entrance on the north eastern side with large portal stones. Twelve large orthostats have been placed at intervals around the stone ring, each standing directly opposite one of the other 'axial' stones. The site had a ritual function and it has been suggested that the embankment could have been used for spectators to view proceedings in the interior.
The excavations took place in 1939, and finds included flint and chert implements, stone axes, bronze objects, some human and animal bones and thousands of pieces of Late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age pottery. Re-evaluation of the pottery has suggested it may be a Late Bronze Age monument build on a site of prolonged use.
A short distance to the north-north east of the main stone circle, is a second smaller circle, also constructed of large stones. The monument is situated just a few hundred meters from the shore of Lough Gur, which is another interesting site worth to visit.
- Freely accessible (donation appreciated)
- Yes
Photos from Grange Stone Circle