Lough Gur
West Ireland | County Limerick
Lough Gur is small, horseshoe shaped lake wrapped around Knockadoon Hill, situated about 20 km south east of Limerick City (just off the road R512). It is one of the most important archaeological sites in Ireland with rich finds and evidence of continuous human habitation over the last 6000 years. The reason why people have settled right here was fertile soil suitable for Neolithic farming. It was also area rich in wild animals, fish and the right kind of rock for tool making. The historical and archaeological significance of Lough Gur was discovered in middle of the 19th century. During the drainage works, the lake was lowered by approx 3m and on the newly exposed lakeshore plenty of artefacts was found, what attracted archaeologists and historians. Among the findings were huge quantity of flint objects as spearheads, hand axes, scrapers, fragments of Beaker pottery and Iron Age sword. The most valuable find is Bronze Age Yetholm-type shield dating from 1200-800 BC, which was discovered by local man during the reeds cutting. This bronze shield can be seen in National Museum of Ireland - Archeology in Dublin. Whole area surrounding the lake is very rich in historical monuments that span the ages, from Neolithic to the medieval period, including remains of Stone Age houses, Lough Gur Wedge Tomb and Grange Stone Circle dating from the Bronze Age, and remains of early Medieval hoses, ring forts and crannog (artificial island). There are also two castles, well preserved 17th century Bouchiers Castle (not open to the public) and ruins fo 13th century Black Castle. Lough Gur Heritage Centre gives plenty interesting information, which are excellent introduction to the history, archaeology and folklore of the region. The exhibition contains incredible artefacts and replicas of famous archaeological finds of the area, including reproduction of broze shield.
- Oct 26th to Mar 1st:
- Mon - Fri: 10 - 16
- Weekends: 12 - 16
- Bank Holidays: 12 - 16
- Dec 23rd - 26th: Closed
- Mar 2nd to Oct 25th:
- Mon - Fri: 10 - 18
- Weekends: 12 - 18
- Bank Holidays: 12 - 18
- Oct 26th to Mar 1st:
- Adult: €5
- Senior/Student: €4
- Child: €3
- Family: €15
- No fee to walk the grounds
- Phone: +353 (0)61 385386
- Mobile: +353 872852022
- Free car park
Photos from Lough Gur